sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2016

"You Are Already in Truth"

Just have a deep confidence that you have a very-very intimate relationship with God, which requires no middleman.
Even if there was no guru, no teacher to tell you of the Truth, still you would be firmly established in the Truth because the Truth is your nature.Even if there were no scriptures to say even a single word about the Truth, yet you would be in the Truth like the fish is in the water.
The fish does not have to read of the ocean from somewhere. Nobody comes to educate her. She does not go to a Satsang to learn about the ocean. And even if all the masters of the world tell you that you have lost the Truth, you cannot lose it.Inside, outside, up, down, right, left, you are already in the Truth.
The Truth has no intention of staying away from you. Maybe it is already with you but you don’t look at it because you are chasing it, elsewhere.
You may already be enlightened, maybe you are not just acknowledging it. Maybe this state that you are in is already a state of enlightenment. It is just that this state is not matching with your ideas and imaginations of enlightenment.So many books and gurus have created a very wonderful image of the enlightened one and it is a totally unrealistic image. And seekers then chase that image, trying to mold themselves in the shape and form and similarity to that image.
That image is just a hollow ideal, there is no substance in that image.

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OM Namah Shivaia - encontro Oriente e Ocidente

Meditação em Yoga: Em yoga Clássica, a yoga de Patanjali, ciência que demonstra a potencialidade possível ao homem, há oito passos a completar, envolvendo disciplinas tanto físicas qto. mentais. Na 1ª destas etapas, se acham disciplinas relativas à autoeducação, ou auto-controle, tais como: não violência (ahimsa), veracidade (satyagraha), continência (brahmacharya), etc. Na etapa seguinte, dita das 'observâncias', estão a prática de pureza, contentamento, esforço sobre si mesmo, estudo e consagração ao Ideal.

O 3° passo, ou 3ª pétala da Flor de Yoga, trata das posturas ou âsanas, ou seja, os modelos gestuais recomendados aos que aspiram algum domínio sobre seu corpo. A quarta etapa é dos 'pranayamas', isto é, as disciplinas necessárias ao controle da energia através da respiração. Pratyahara é a etapa em que se aprende a controlar os sentidos. Dhârana, a 6ª etapa, se ensina a concentração da atenção. O sétimo passo, denominado Dhyâna, se refere às tecnicas de introspecção ou de meditação, e o último degráu chama-se Samadhi, ou completa absorção no Ideal Espiritual.

Este é o caminho de Yoga, relevante símbolo atual do encontro entre Ocidente e Oriente.

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