domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2016

"Offer Your Life and I'll Show You Life"

Offer Your Life and I Will Show You Life!
I don’t invest much into teaching. (Because) if I teach you have to learn and if you have to learn, you will interpret and if you interpret it will become personal. Therefore the emphasis is on direct experience and recognition. That you find the key to your existence - to the root of your existence and just be there. And the rest is your show, it is there, you can see, you can watch. You will find there are no arguments between the states. The waking state is not fighting the deep sleep state or the dream state saying need more time. Everything is cooperating nicely. Contradictions and conflicts come when the mind is alive and awake and has a sense of personhood in it. Because the person will always experience some conflict, something does not fit in, things don’t work. And it is not meant to work.
This is why I say the whole human thing, by itself, it doesn’t work. Until, somehow, it merges with the heart’s energy. When it comes to know the supreme being, then somehow it becomes humble enough to somehow to work with and merge with that harmony. Otherwise it is living in the state of disharmony and no one has been successful outside of surrendering and understanding in the heart of coming into a place of total clarity. Just by yourself trying to figure things out - no one has ever done it. Because it is a form of arrogance.
And you must also learn to discern becomes sometimes as a result of these type of contemplations you may feel an energy inside and you don’t understand it. It may feel what I may call a burning that your mind may interpret as a state of confusion. And even that that state that might be interpreted as confusion, another might find they are unable to think. Then the mind says you cannot thin, how are you going to manage and then that thought is purchased and believed. Then trouble will come. Because conditioning sometimes has registered that if I am not able to think - I lose my autonomy and I become vulnerable - then you buy that thought, then you believe it into existence and then it becomes your experience. But if you pay attention to your beingness - just pay attention only to the beingness - just be the beingness now - you will find that what every happens in life… if someone throws you an apple, you will not scream or let it hit your head - you will catch it, even without preparation, your reflexes will be working, when its time to brush your teeth you will do it, when its time to go for a walk you will do it. Everything will happen just naturally without you thinking well that is not important, the important thing has not happened yet. You just move in the moment, like everything else in nature is doing. Except human beings - they think too much.
Mooji - January 17, 2016 - Sahaja Express: Offer Your Life and I'll Show You Life

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OM Namah Shivaia - encontro Oriente e Ocidente

Meditação em Yoga: Em yoga Clássica, a yoga de Patanjali, ciência que demonstra a potencialidade possível ao homem, há oito passos a completar, envolvendo disciplinas tanto físicas qto. mentais. Na 1ª destas etapas, se acham disciplinas relativas à autoeducação, ou auto-controle, tais como: não violência (ahimsa), veracidade (satyagraha), continência (brahmacharya), etc. Na etapa seguinte, dita das 'observâncias', estão a prática de pureza, contentamento, esforço sobre si mesmo, estudo e consagração ao Ideal.

O 3° passo, ou 3ª pétala da Flor de Yoga, trata das posturas ou âsanas, ou seja, os modelos gestuais recomendados aos que aspiram algum domínio sobre seu corpo. A quarta etapa é dos 'pranayamas', isto é, as disciplinas necessárias ao controle da energia através da respiração. Pratyahara é a etapa em que se aprende a controlar os sentidos. Dhârana, a 6ª etapa, se ensina a concentração da atenção. O sétimo passo, denominado Dhyâna, se refere às tecnicas de introspecção ou de meditação, e o último degráu chama-se Samadhi, ou completa absorção no Ideal Espiritual.

Este é o caminho de Yoga, relevante símbolo atual do encontro entre Ocidente e Oriente.

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