terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2016

Do You See How we Support our Internal Conspiracy?

Do you see how we support our internal conspiracy?
There is something within us which wants us to fail; which is our own enemy and we support it. I think it was on your facebook page that I read the story about the two wolves. Which wolf wins? The one we feed. Do you see, how we keep feeding the wrong wolf most of the times? In fact, there is one thing I am gaining clarity on, that there is nothing called as ‘ignorance’. We all fully well know. We all fully well know why we are hiding at the back; why we refuse to come in the front.
You closed the matter by saying that you know it since class two that the ones who are the back-benchers, they are back-benchers precisely because they want to avoid the teacher. Now, in school you have a certain compulsion; here, you are ostensibly coming by your free-will. Did you see what kind of misnomer this thing called free-will is? On one hand, you are coming there; on the other hand, you are committed not to come.
And again, just to relate it to the thing we were talking of, all so that you aren’t dislodged from your comfortable cushions. And when you fear that, you already have an image of the resultant happening in mind; and you already have a fear associated with that happening. If I come close, this may happen, and if that happens, I may suffer a lot. And, what is suffering? Something very bad! So, all that entire inner story is already on; and we don’t even know whether that story has any factualness to it.
And you know what is common in all these stories? One thing, you know what is common? “I am not strong enough to bear the pain. I am not strong enough.” Have you ever tested how strong you really are? Yes, your assumption that some loss may come to you may indeed be factual. Your assumption may come true. But, next to this assumption, sits another assumption; that assumption is: “If I bear loss, then I will crumble.”
Have you ever tested that assumption? Yes, loss you will bear. Will that necessarily be the end of you? I keep saying, test that, you will find it a false assumption.
The loss will hurt, but you will emerge a survivor, you will live through it.
It will pinch, grind, wrinkle, but not finish you.
Mind you, not finish you.
Nothing can finish you off.
Why must this simple statement be so hard to accept? I don’t know. If you are convinced that you won’t be finished off, then why will you avoid sorrow so much?"
Acharya Sri Prashant

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OM Namah Shivaia - encontro Oriente e Ocidente

Meditação em Yoga: Em yoga Clássica, a yoga de Patanjali, ciência que demonstra a potencialidade possível ao homem, há oito passos a completar, envolvendo disciplinas tanto físicas qto. mentais. Na 1ª destas etapas, se acham disciplinas relativas à autoeducação, ou auto-controle, tais como: não violência (ahimsa), veracidade (satyagraha), continência (brahmacharya), etc. Na etapa seguinte, dita das 'observâncias', estão a prática de pureza, contentamento, esforço sobre si mesmo, estudo e consagração ao Ideal.

O 3° passo, ou 3ª pétala da Flor de Yoga, trata das posturas ou âsanas, ou seja, os modelos gestuais recomendados aos que aspiram algum domínio sobre seu corpo. A quarta etapa é dos 'pranayamas', isto é, as disciplinas necessárias ao controle da energia através da respiração. Pratyahara é a etapa em que se aprende a controlar os sentidos. Dhârana, a 6ª etapa, se ensina a concentração da atenção. O sétimo passo, denominado Dhyâna, se refere às tecnicas de introspecção ou de meditação, e o último degráu chama-se Samadhi, ou completa absorção no Ideal Espiritual.

Este é o caminho de Yoga, relevante símbolo atual do encontro entre Ocidente e Oriente.

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