Silence Speaks...

“The Way Through... God’s Way”

At dawn...
The light upon the mountains
seem to be resplendent
against the blue and radiant sky.

Through a silent path they came
those two travellers,
breathing the early morning freshness...
Thus the young one speaks to the older:
“Sir, what do you think is the most important,
the Truth or the Universe?”
The other one responds:
“The Universe is merely a condition
we must go beyond to attain Truth.
“And about the Master and his Teaching,
which one is the greatest?”
“The Master is the light of the world
and his Teaching is the path towards light.”
“Who would you say, Sir, is most meaningful,
the poet or the philosopher?
“Both, the poet and the philosopher
are the tellers of the universal life...
but, one does not live only on Poetry
nor on lives on Contemplation...”

He then became silent... soon blew the wind,
and from faraway the sounds of bells came...

Now the misty way was enlightened.
The old man would speak no more.
He could only smile... and from that smile
blooming words fell...!

“Like children human beings are,
drawing upon a white wall:
A lot they work to set up their needs
and soon the wall is covered with their deeds.
It could be reflective and transparent otherwise
to those who can wait and see.
These ones look upon the wall and God is there,
that God they can already touch and understand.

However, to those who stand for human pleasures
living just to satisfy their dreams,
thinking not of God’s will,
the wall becomes unshakeable.
Only a few indeed might manifest
detachment and stillness,
peaceful compassion to mankind;
they are like flames from a wooden fire,
standing by the wall just contemplating
until everything is gone.

as experience is the celebration of life,
time will come for poetry and music,
for devotion and renunciation,
time will come for Love...
And after that
the silent call of the Soul shall spring up
to restore the Infinite Self,
Oneness beyond all the deepest blue...
since the ancient shadows assembled by Dharma
to build up the Temple of the World.

Now, which is the higher purpose of life?
What can you verily realise?
Behold this mystery... the more deep contemplation is
limits there are no more to consider!
A simple white wall was there before,
later a blooming landscape,
and, at last... stillness... unfathomable silence
which creates and surpasses the whole.

Listen... the Infinite is calling,
the Chant endures for you.
Only that Call can draw you back
through the window of beauty you have made,
slowly, with your own spiritual knowledge.
Though you must always remember,
one does not live on Poetry,
nor on Philosophy,
one lives on Contemplation.

Contemplation is belonging... belonging...!”

OM Namah Shivaia - encontro Oriente e Ocidente

Meditação em Yoga: Em yoga Clássica, a yoga de Patanjali, ciência que demonstra a potencialidade possível ao homem, há oito passos a completar, envolvendo disciplinas tanto físicas qto. mentais. Na 1ª destas etapas, se acham disciplinas relativas à autoeducação, ou auto-controle, tais como: não violência (ahimsa), veracidade (satyagraha), continência (brahmacharya), etc. Na etapa seguinte, dita das 'observâncias', estão a prática de pureza, contentamento, esforço sobre si mesmo, estudo e consagração ao Ideal.

O 3° passo, ou 3ª pétala da Flor de Yoga, trata das posturas ou âsanas, ou seja, os modelos gestuais recomendados aos que aspiram algum domínio sobre seu corpo. A quarta etapa é dos 'pranayamas', isto é, as disciplinas necessárias ao controle da energia através da respiração. Pratyahara é a etapa em que se aprende a controlar os sentidos. Dhârana, a 6ª etapa, se ensina a concentração da atenção. O sétimo passo, denominado Dhyâna, se refere às tecnicas de introspecção ou de meditação, e o último degráu chama-se Samadhi, ou completa absorção no Ideal Espiritual.

Este é o caminho de Yoga, relevante símbolo atual do encontro entre Ocidente e Oriente.

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